Some would say to deny God is to deny the reality of much of the whole world.
Yet I deny God because I accept much of the reality of the whole world.
Thats the beauty of living in a free land, citizens are free to question everything, and believe what they wish. So a person thinking or even having absolute assurances that something, did or did not happen, is not justification, to belittle someone who has opposing views,may be lacking in facts, and also may be lacking in critical thinking skills.
But more importantly I appreciate by raising the question on JWC I have been informed mainly in an educational and friendly mannnor,.I appreciate being challenged to research and pointed in the right direction. And as time permits I will do my research, but marriage to a good woman, raising my child, work and appreciating the light evenings allow for limited time. But i think my priorities are right. Finally I guess what I really learnt was some topics cause way to much melodrama.
The Rebel.